dimecres, 21 de setembre del 2016


Hello, I'm Koli and I'm 16 years old. I live in a small village called Sant Pere Pescador. This year I finished the ESO and last week I started Batxillerat. I'm a little bit afraid for my final marks because Batxillerat is difficult and you have to study everyday and do a lot of homework, and I don't really like to do homework, I prefer meeting my friends and play football with them. I used to study the last day before the exam at ESO but this year i will try to listen at every lesson and study more than last years.This year I'll be busy everyday because of my homework and the activities that I do like english lessons on monday and wednesday and my football trainings on tuesday, thursday and friday but I hope to pass all my exams.
I don't know which career I'm going to do after Batxillerat, but I will think it during this year and the next one.

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